**** You can forward this email invitation to attendees **** Hello , Philip Bambade invites you to attend this online meeting. Topic: ATF2 Software Review Date: Thursday, June 19, 2008 Time: 8:30 am, Central European Daylight Time (GMT +02:00, Paris ) Meeting Number: 593 481 050 Meeting Password: atf2soft Please click the link below to see more information, or to join the meeting. ------------------------------------------------------- To join the online meeting ------------------------------------------------------- 1. Go to https://fnal.webex.com/fnal/j.php?ED=106319957&UID=0 2. Enter your name and email address. 3. Enter the meeting password: atf2soft 4. Click "Join". ------------------------------------------------------- To join the teleconference only ------------------------------------------------------- Provide your phone number when you join the meeting to receive a call back. Or, call the number below and enter the meeting number. Call-in toll-free number (US/Canada): 866-469-3239 Call-in toll number (US/Canada): 1-650-429-3300 Global call-in numbers: https://fnal.webex.com/fnal/globalcallin.php?serviceType=MC&ED=106319957&tollFree=1 Toll-free dialing restrictions: http://www.webex.com/pdf/tollfree_restrictions.pdf ------------------------------------------------------- For assistance ------------------------------------------------------- 1. Go to https://fnal.webex.com/fnal/mc 2. Click "Assistance". 3. Click "Support". You can contact me at: bambade@lal.in2p3.fr 33-1-64468370 To add this meeting to your calendar program (for example Microsoft Outlook), click this link: https://fnal.webex.com/fnal/j.php?ED=106319957&UID=0&ICS=MI&LD=1&RD=2&ST=1&SHA2=1/han5YNC1NYKGpJzOEX4pDribktNmQw-3W55iyiMF0= The host requests that you check for compatibility of rich media players for Universal Communications Format (UCF) before you join the session. UCF allows you to view multimedia during the session. To check now, click the following link: https://fnal.webex.com/fnal/systemdiagnosis.php Sign up for a free trial of WebEx http://www.webex.com/go/mcemfreetrial http://www.webex.com We've got to start meeting like this(TM) IMPORTANT NOTICE: This WebEx service includes a feature that allows audio and any documents and other materials exchanged or viewed during the session to be recorded. By joining this session, you automatically consent to such recordings. If you do not consent to the recording, do not join the session.