Questions to sub-detector groups for the detector integration
Questions are listed below;
- All sub-detectors
- overall sizes, especially outer and inner diameters and total length
- total cross section of cables and pipes (gas and cooling material) and the maximum diameter among them in order to determine gaps between sub-detectors for them
- support method/mechanism
- alignment method, e.g. laser system- how to inject a laser beam, where the laser system is installed etc.
- total weight
- total electric power consumption
- VTX and SIT
- inner support tube inside of TPC is needed ?
e.g. SIT and vacuum pipe are supported by the tube and VTX is mounted on the beam pipe. The tube is supported by TPC.
- how much is the field uniformity ?
- a LCTPC note will be available soon. It may discuss ;
- field reproducibility during push pull
- anti-DID field is not constant, i.e. it will be varied during experiments
- requires precise field measurement and calibration at Z-pole
- 8 or 12 fold symmetrical shape
-A documentation will be prepared by T.Taheshita, which summaries advantages and disadvantages in each shape.
- module shape ? - conventional or Henri's one
- need tail catchers behind the coil and in the endcap ?
- sizes of cryostat, chimney and anti-DID coil
- Anti-solenoid for permanent QD0 (option)
- It will be buried in the endcap yoke. Y.Iwashita will study it.
- need a contact person
- especially number of layers are important and urgent to be decided.
We would like to distribute these questions to sub-detector contact persons
as soon as possible for efficient discussion at the ILD Cambridge meeting.