Shintake monitor(IP-BSM) group meeting

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      Progress report
      Speaker: Mr Takashi Yamanaka (The University of Tokyo)
      August 13 16:00 - 17:30, ATF LC meeting room, KEK Participants : Tauchi, Okugi, Honda, Oroku, Yamanaka, Kamiya(WebEx) *** Progress of Shintake monitor (ATF2 IP-BSM) work *** Slides by Takashi Yamanaka (Univ. of Tokyo) * measured the position stability of laser beam at the IP by using PSD and the result was several um position jitter this is acceptable level of position jitter. making of calculation program to correct this jitter with other PSDs is also ongoing. * goals of measurement during August to update the measurement data related to Shintake monitor (IP-BSM) performance conserning laser and optics items need to update are - laser position jitter measurement at the IP - laser interference fringe phase stability
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      gamma detector progress
      Speaker: Mr Masahiro OROKU (Tokyo Univ.)
      Slides by Masahiro Oroku (Univ. of Tokyo) * about laser interlock system the switch of the laser interlock and that of the electron beam interlock should be installed separately. the laser interlock system is going to be moved into the new laser hut on september. *works in this week to design and order the items for PMT linearity test to design the new table for the detector to analyze the result of the latest PMT gain curve measurement to vacuum the chamber for IP-BSM with IP-BPM *analysis of the PMT gain curve measurement analysis in detail is now ongoing. there is no PMT changing dynamically from the others *comments there is no need to stop laser power whenever someone comes into the IP area. solution may be setting some shutter in the laser transport line. ( Kamiya) Honda-san is going to stay abroad 2 or 3 weeks from the middle of september, when the chamber is installed. (Honda)