ATF2 weekly meeting

Minutes ( draft, 8/30 )
    • 14:30 15:30
      International phone/webex meeting
      • 14:30
        The Carbon wire scanner at IP 15m
        Speaker: Doug McCormick (SLAC)
      • 14:45
        3 FF Sextupole magnets 15m
        Speaker: Dr Cherrill Spencer (SLAC)
      • 15:00
        S-band BPMs installation issues 30m
        • S-band BPM production 10m
          Speaker: Prof. Hyoung Suk Kim (KNU (Kyungpook Natinal University))
        • electronics preparation 10m
          Speaker: Dr Stewart Boogert (Royal Holloway, University of London)
        • plan of the FD system installation 10m
          Speaker: Nobuhiro Terunuma (KEK)
    • 15:30 16:30
      KEK site meeting (Japanese)
      • 15:30
        Progress of Shintake monitor work 20m
        Speakers: Mr Masahiro OROKU (Tokyo Univ.), Mr Takashi Yamanaka (The University of Tokyo)
        August 27 16:00 - 18:30, ATF LC meeting room, KEK Participants : Tauchi, Terunuma, Kuroda, Okugi, Araki, Honda, Yamanaka, Kamiya(WebEx) *** Report on Fringe Phase Monitor *** by using this monitor we estimate the phase jitter at the IP goal of phase stability is less than 200 mrad (RMS in 1 minute) measurement result: * unstatilized 400 mrad * 1 channel stabilized 170 mrad (stabilized channel) 310 mrad (unstabilized channel) * average 2 channel stabilized 210 mrad (both channel) If we can assume the fringe phase at the IP is correlate with these phase monitors, the phase stability at the IP is also 200 mrad level. ** question, comment and suggestion ** Q: Do room temperature, cooling water temperature, floor vibration affect the phase stability? A: It is possible, though in measurement performed at the univerty which uses CW laser instead of the pulsed laser, the better phase stability was aquired (30 mrad : stabilized channel, 70 mrad unstabilized channel). Therefore the worse phase stability may be due to the angular jitter of the pulsed laser. Suggestion: It takes several hours to stabilize the pulsed laser, you need to wait before start the measurement. Q: The phase stability difference between the stabilized channel and unstabilized channel is too different. Aren't there any defects in measurement methods? A: If I swap stabilizing channel, the phase stability is also swapped. It seems to be no problem in measurement methods. This difference may be due to the weak correlation of two channls. Suggestion: Why don't you see the correlation between the phase, and position monitor? If the phase jitter is came from the angluar jitter, you can see some correlation.