WP#65 27/08/2008 -------------------------------------------- Wednesday 27 August 2008 West Coast East Coast W.Europe Japan 07.00 10.00 16.00 23.00 Issues for the agenda: 1. News 2. PCMAG/fieldmap 3. LP fieldcage, endcap/panels, laser etc - status fieldcage - Dan's URL: http://www.lepp.cornell.edu/~dpp/linear_collider/LargePrototype.html 4. Electronics 5. Planning first (beam) tests 6. AOB Present: Paul Colas Klaus Dehmelt Klaus Desch Xavier Janssen Leif Jonsson Dean Karlen Martin Killenberg Alexei Lebedev Lucie Linssen Takeshi Matsuda Dan Peterson Ron Settles Akira Sugiyama Jan Timmermans Stephen Turnbull Klaus Zenker --Anybody forgotten? Apologies: Stephan Haensel Summary ----------------------- 0. Slides are at the agenda site: http://ilcagenda.linearcollider.org/conferenceDisplay.py?confId=2974 1. News. - There was no special news item presented 2. PCMAG/fieldmap. - Lucie reported that the new B-field sensors would be available by middle of September. - Takeshi uploaded a file to the agenda page with results from stray field measurements of PCMAG done at KEK in 2004. - Klaus Zenker has good agreement between his field calculations and the measurements at KEK (see last slide in Klaus Dehmelt's report on fieldcage). - Jan showed measurements of a scintillator counter with Hamamatsu H5783 PM in a B-field at NIKHEF: stable Sr90 rate measurement up to field of ~400 Gauss. After the meeting he repeated the measurment with the PM wrapped with mu-metal sheet; stable rate up to ~650 Gauss. 3. LP endcap, fieldcage and panels Fieldcage: ---------- - Klaus Dehmelt reported on measurements done on fieldcage (see slides). Some numbers to be confirmed by survey. Endplate anode side -250um (worst case) off. Also slight out of tolerance on parallelism. Roundness: largest deviation at place of resistorchain and where foil was joined together. Still to be done: measurement of parallelism of fieldstrips w.r.t. anode (hope to finish by next week). They are now checking the values of the resistor chain. Endcap: ------- - Dan reported that one endplate was shipped the day before and should arrive at DESY on Friday 29/8. The second endplate needs still a bit of correction work. The fieldcage termination standoffs showed cracks after having been cleaned with alcohol. Dan will produce new standoffs in aluminum for Micromegas operation; can be ready in 2-3 weeks. Will have to decide on material of standoffs for GEM case. Backframes are not yet sent; Dan started to look at "inside-chamber" measurements. Panels: ------- - Klaus Desch said that G10 parts for the dummy modules have arrived at Bonn. They still need 6 backframes to complete the dummy modules. They expect a module with Timepix plus 3-GEM and a 3-GEM plus pads module to be ready in December. - Akira mentioned that the PC board for the 2-GEM-gate module will be ready within a month; another month will then be needed to complete one (the 1st) module. Lasers: ------- - Alexei presented the latest views on the laser system (see slides file). He started to produce parts and hopes to finsih that in two weeks. Laser will come from the endplate side. He will make a model of the system. Installation in the field cage can be done when it best fits the schedule. A laser is available at DESY. 4. LP1 electronics. - Leif summarised the minutes of a special Electronics WP meeting on 21/8. The full minutes can be found on this meetings agenda page. 5. Planning first (beam) tests. - Handover magnet: waiting for Japanese colleagues who are very busy with commisioning JPARC beam line(s). Takeshi is pushing them for 2nd half of September. - Micromegas panel without resistive foil could be installed from 16th September. - Support structure for PCMAG will arrive at DESY only few days before that. Might take a week to install. - HV tests fieldcage outside magnet are scheduled for after week 36. - Beam will become available week 35. - Magnet cool down needs ~1 week advance notice. - Leif will prepare a new electronics time schedule. 6. AOB. -Next (EVO/phone) meeting: TUESDAY 9 September 2008, usual time 16:00 CET