29–31 Oct 2008
The Cockcroft Institute
Europe/London timezone


Target Station Session

30 Oct 2008, 16:00
The Cockcroft Institute

The Cockcroft Institute

Daresbury Laboratory

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Ian Bailey (Cockcroft Institute / University of Lancaster)
30/10/2008, 16:00
Lei Zang (Liverpool University)
30/10/2008, 16:10
Leo Jenner (Cockcroft Institute/ University of Liverpool)
30/10/2008, 16:25
Stefan Hesselbach (University of Durham)
30/10/2008, 16:40
Ian Bailey (Cockcroft Institute/ University of Lancaster), Robert Chehab (LAL)
30/10/2008, 16:55
Dr Jeff Gronberg (LLNL)
30/10/2008, 17:10
Alexander Mikhailichenko (Cornell University)
30/10/2008, 17:25
Building timetable...