To: Jan Timmermans Subject: WP#58 phonemeeting draft summary Hello Jan, Here is a short summary of yesterday's meeting. I will put this on the agenda site, and we update/correct in case comments come in... Cheers, Ron ---------------------------------------------- Draft Summary WP#67 ---------------------------------------------- WP#67 24/09/2008 -------------------------------------------- Wednesday 24 September 2008 West Coast East Coast W.Europe Japan 07.00 10.00 16.00 23.00 1. News 2. PCMAG/fieldmap 3. LP fieldcage, endcap/panels, laser etc - status fieldcage - Dan's URL: 4. Electronics 5. Planning first (beam) tests 6. AOB Present: --Paul Colas --Klaus Dehmelt --Ralf Diener --Bakul Gur --Stephan Haensel --Katsumasa Ikematsu --Xavier Janssen --Leif Joenssen --Jochen Kaminski --Dean Karlen --Martin Killenberg --Takeshi Matsuda --Dan Peterson --Volker Prahl --Ron Settles --Akira Sugiyama Excused: --Jan Timmermans --Anybody forgotten? Summary ----------------------- 0. Slides are at the agenda site: -Ron chaired this meeting since Jan was tied up with other duties. 1. News. ------- -See the agenda site for many annoucements/websites of upcoming meetings under "News". Some comments: a) ILC meeting at Cambridge, 11-13 Sept. 2008 Ron's talk at Cambridge containing the first iteration on TPC items to go into the LOI is also under "News"-- comments are requested. b) EUDET Annual Meeting Amsterdam 6-8 October 2008. There will be an LCTPC follow-uo meeting on afternoon 8 October and a summary will be given at the next WP#68 phonemeeting at 16:00 CEST on 8 October (that same afternoon), in two weeks from today. c) RD51 meeting in Paris 13-15 October This meeting has been added to the agenda site. d) LCWS08 Chicago 16-20 November 2008. DEADLINE ABSTRACTS 17 October 2008. LCTPC Collaboration meeting will be in the afternoon of 15 November, the day before LCWS starts (reminder: it decided by the CB 1.5 years ago to hold an LCTPC collaboration meeting the day before each regional workshop). e) TIPP09 - Technology and Instrumentation in Particle Physics, Tsukuba 12-17 March 2009; DEADLINE ABSTRACTS 31 Oct. 2008. LCTPC should send an abstract on the LP work. 2. PCMAG. --------- Takeshi said that he established contact with Makida-san 25 Sept, and Makida san is thinking to make the official hand-over to LCTPC/Eudet during the first half of October. 3. LP endcap, panels, fieldcage. -------------------------------- a) Endcap: ********** Dan reported that production is proceeding well, see where several details are given: 6080-104 Backframes -6 "3GEMG" arrived in Bonn 2008-09-08 -3 "Micromegas" arrived in Saclay 2008-09-08 -I have (3) "3GEMG" and (1) "Micromegas" that have passed inspection. -14 parts have been returned to the vendor for corrections. Today, I expect to go to the vendor to inspect the first corrected part. 6080-127 Victoria Light insert -Arrived 2008-09-09 must inspect, -Decreased o-ring groove depth 6080-128 laser access cover -Arrived 2008-09-19, must inspect, -Decreased o-ring groove depth 6080-140, 141 dowel pins -arrived 2008-09-09 (complete), -Inspection started, maybe I will "clean" in citric acid, to remove 0.0002 inch (5 micron). -There are 6 sizes: (unit=mm) 3/3, 3/2.98, 3/2.96, 3/3.2, 3/3.18, 3/3.16 . 6080-142 Field cage termination standoffs -Revised o-ring diameter -Ordered 2008-09-22,(after revising the tolerances) in aluminum and PEEK (unfilled) -Sandoffs and dowel pins will be delivered together to Desy in two weeks. b) Panels, etc: *************** i) Paul gave the Saclay status (see the meeting agenda site for his slides): -The Saclay team will come to Desy next week to install the cosmic trigger. In answer to a question by Klaus Dehmelt, Saclay will bring their own power supplies: Paul will email details to Klaus tomorrow. -A Micromegas panel without resistive anode is in final stages of preparation. Paul said that all the mechanics of the panel is perfectly a-magnetic which has been very strictly observed, also for the dowel pins. -Several plots showing the performance of the AFTER electronics to be used for the LP were presented. -Micromegas panels with resistive anode are under study at CERN, Saclay, Neuchatel and Carleton. -In reply to a question by Paul, Dan said that the first panels should be installed (later, in weeks 45-47) in the endplate while it is standalone, i.e., not bolted to the fieldcage. ii) Xavier has been preparing some items for the trigger at Desy, and the trigger box will be ready when the Saclay team comes next week (Xavier will try to come for the trigger-commissioning). iii) Jochen reported that production on the dummay panels has started at Bonn. Some will be brought to Desy next week by Martin; the production will be finished by 8 Oct. and the remaining dummy panels sent to Desy. Jochen will measure and email their geometric properties. -Dan pointed out that the groups must fabricate their own dowell pins for the dummy panels, since the ones he will deliver are for the backframes delivered by him. iv) Akira said they are still waiting for the PC boards for the GEM panels. c) Fieldcage ************ i) Klaus Dehmelt reported that he and Takeshi are measuring the parallelism of the field strips, but it is too early to draw any conclusions. ii) Dan said he will plan his trip to Desy as soon as the HV tests of the fieldcage have been successfully completed. d) Calibration ************** Dean asked about the cathode patterns, Klaus replied that they will be machined a.s.a.p. and surveyed/measured (as requested by Dean) by the workshop. 4. LP1 electronics. ------------------- Leif reported that 772 preamp chips have been received from CERN and are now being tested at Lund. The test will be finished well in time fo the mounting on the front-end cards. New 30cm-long padpreamp-FEC kapton strips with more-spread-out traces (less cross-talk) are being made and will be delivered on 10 Oct. The mechanics for supporting the FEC should be ready within the next few days. 5. Planning first (beam) tests. ------------------------------- Nothing new since last meeting, except that Saclay may want an extra week (i.e. 45-48) when they come for commissioning the first Micromegas panel. 6. AOB ----- Next phonemeeting in two weeks: 8 October 2008