Possible addenda (from Takeshi): ??? Requirements for the design of TPC endplate from the experimentation at LC ??? Possible end-detectors for TPC at LC. ??? Readout electronics and DAQ (on TPC endplates): (a) Analog readout (b) Digital readout ??? Design concepts of TPC endplate for LC (a) Designs with a conventional pad plates (made of G10 or any other materials) mostly for the analog readouts (b) Nobel designs of TPC endplate without the conventional pad planes both for the digital and analog readouts ??? Mechanical issue?(also from the points of the whole TPC design) ??? Power delivery issues ??? Cooling issues ??? Discussions and decisions how to start actual R&Ds. (end) Possible meeting schedule (from Ron): --CERN 10 Nov, 10:00 (room to be announced): -I (or Takeshi if you can attend?) could give an overview of the issues. -Alain Herve could review the cooling strategy for all subdetectors, boundary conditions for the gas and how some of the CMS subdetectors are cooled. -Luciano could review the ideas he showed at Paris/2007 and maybe come up with first ones for the power pulsing. -AOB --LCWS 15-20 Nov (day, room to be announced): -Somebody summarize the CERN 10 Nov. meeting. -Dan has been interested in the LCTPC endcap material/layout, and since he will be in Chicao, he might be able to show some thoughts. -Jan could tell us some pixel thoughts how an endcap for a large pixel TPC might look. -AOB --ILD Korea Feb. 2009: -Review the previous two meetings above. -Depending who goes to Korea, iterate on respective issues. -Come up with a "to-do" list of things to be covered at the final meeting before the LOI, namely at the --TIPP meeting on 11 March 2009 -This agenda can be made up depending on the outcome of the above and should envisage an iteration on critical topics. -Finally conclude what should go into the LOI about the lctpc (advanced) endcap.