19–22 Jul 2006
UBC, Vancouver, Canada
Europe/Zurich timezone

Reconstruction Studies for a Scintillator-Tungsten Electromagnetic

21 Jul 2006, 11:30
Henn 200 (UBC, Vancouver, Canada)

Henn 200

UBC, Vancouver, Canada


Joseph Proulx


We have performed a number of reconstruction studies for an electromagnetic calorimeter with tungsten absorber and 5cm square scintillator tiles, offset by 2.5cm in alternating layers. The offset gives us nearly the same performance as a detector with 2.5cm square tiles. These studies use the SLIC/org.lcsim simulation and reconstruction framework. We have established good cluster-finding performance in 500GeV ZZ to 4-jet events, and have developed algorithms to distinguish single photons from merged pi^0 clusters at high energies, and to determine the direction of incident photons with high precision. We are investigating methods to study hadrons that interact in the EM calorimeter, and the effect of constraints on dynamic range in data acquisition on energy measurements for very high energy photons and electrons.

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