19–22 Jul 2006
UBC, Vancouver, Canada
Europe/Zurich timezone

Calorimetry Plans for the 4th Concept

21 Jul 2006, 09:30
Henn 202 (UBC, Vancouver, Canada)

Henn 202

UBC, Vancouver, Canada


John Hauptman (Iowa State)


Abstract: The DREAM beam tests revealed that for electromagnetic showers, the energy resolution was limited by photoelectron statistics and the spatial resolution by the 7.2-cm channel size. Both problems are solved by a front-end calorimeter of 2x2x25 cm^3 PbWO4 crystals with dual readout of scintillation and Cerenkov light with SiPMs to preserve the excellent hadronic energy resolution. I will discuss bench tests done at TTU, the upcoming CERN test, and our plans for a cubic-meter module that incorporates all of our present ideas: dual-readout crystal calorimeter, triple-readout (scintillation, Cerenkov, MeV-neutrons) fiber calorimeter, including two methods for measuring the neutrons, and a possible slice test of TPC/prototype-dual-triple-muon/prototype in some kind of magnetic field. John Hauptman

Primary author

John Hauptman (Iowa State)

Presentation materials