Jose' Repond
(Argonne National Laboratory)
We report on the progress made toward building a prototype section of a highly
segmented hadron calorimeter for the ILC. The section includes 40 layers, each with the
an area of 1 m^2, of Resistive Plate Chambers, interleaved with 20 mm steel plates as
absorber. The section will undergo a detailed test program at the MTBF test beam at
Fermilab, planned for 2008. This effort is considered an important part of the overall
program of the CALICE collaboration.
The main purpose of this project is a) to validate our technological approach to finely
granulated hadron calorimetry using Resistive Plate Chambers, b) to validate our concept
of the electronic readout system with a highly multiplexed front-end, c) to perform
precision measurements of hadronic showers with unprecedented spatial resolution, d) to
validate the Monte Carlo simulation of hadronic showers and e) to compare its
performance with the performance of the scintillator-based tile calorimeter section
currently being built by the CALICE collaboration.
Jose' Repond
Primary author
Jose' Repond
(Argonne National Laboratory)