Beam Delivery Systems: Discussion of status and work plans

Fuji (SLAC)



2575 Sand Hill Road Menlo Park, CA 94025 USA
Agenda & brief summary: The following questions were discussed in terms of making progress before BDIR workshop and Snowmass: Real magnets for IRs IR in Geant with real magnets and BPMs for 3 detector concepts Real magnets for extraction Short FD FF/extraction optics design for 2mrad Beam dump design Collimation optics optimization Collimation apertures optimization Beam losses and performance vs parameter range Tune-up dump design Conventional facility design BDS feedback and jitter specs Energy acceptance question Laser wire signal and beam size in BDS Alternative small x-ing angle schemes Tuning strategies and needed instrumentations For the real magnets, in particular, the issue is that large aperture SC quads may be larger than what we currently assume in Geant models. See the attached Brett's note. More studies will be done to determine the realistic size of the magnets and to understand if there is interference with different detectors. The issue of interference of 2mrad IR with detector will be studied. This is in particular important since the 2mrad FD is being redesigned to shorten it, to improve optics and collimation performance. See summary from Deepa here: meeting on 19/05/05. For the BDIR workshop discussion, the goals, schedule and possible common sessions have been discussed Andrei Seryi, 05/25/05
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      Status of Work and Work Plans