SPIDER Testbeam meeting 30/06/2009 Present N. Watson (Birmingham), P. Dauncey (Imperial), D. Cussans, J.J. Velthuis (Bristol), J. Crooks, G. Zhang, M. Stanitzki (RAL) Minutes: Marcel Nigel reported that Birmingham is going ahead with producing the PMT board and it will have both LVDS and TTL outputs. Picking up from action of previous meeting, Dave reported on the state of the Fortis Software and Firmware issues. There have several mods done by rob Halssall for the testbeam, also a command-line tool which we'd need for the testbeam. Short version, it works at RAL, it doesn't work at Bristol. More details later in the minutes. Paul talked to Matt Warren about using the CALICE Clock fanout and got the answer that this is clearly a bit over the spec and we'd be much better off doing our own little and simple board. Jamie followed up on the Microcoax cable situation for the testbeam. To first order we have no spares, but we can borrow one for two weeks from Andy for the testbeam. We then went quickly over the chip status (we'll all hear more details tomorrow) Gary reported on ISIS and said he is sceptical about ISIS participating on this testbeam. Paul and Marcel both said, that they will be ready and are quite optimistic. Nigel and Jan have been working on the Monitoring software and it works at Birmingham but not at RAL (suspected to be a ROOT issue). Jan also requested a wishlist, for plots we think we'll need for the testbeam. ACTION All: Send plot wishes to Jan On Fortis, Jamie reported that the teststand upgrade has delayed everything by at least 4-6 weeks. Rebecca will test Fortis 1.1 and there are few tests and optimizations needs before she'd be happy to have Fortis 1.1 used in the testbeam. Dave asked how easy it is to change between 1.1 and 1.0. Jamie said, changing the daughterboard with the chip and lading different vectors will do the trick. Jamie pointed out that there a re more variants 9 working on fortis 1.1 and we generally have more options( also high-res) for this one). The Conclusion was, that we can make that call quite close to the testbeam. For the DAQ issues, Dave plans to come to RAL with his whole setup on Friday, if he can't sort things out beforehand. He'll need a rental car to move the kit, payments modalities to be discussed. Jaap updated us on the Travel arrangements, Rui needs a ferry booking and a rental car agreement for his visa soon ACTION: Jaap, Marcel Arrange transport Paul asked Dave if there is still a USBDAQ at Bristol and whether this could be shipped to Oxford. Dave said yes and he'll give it to Jaap tomorrow ACTION Dave Jaap, transport USBDAQ to RAL Next meeting 7th of July, 1100