Suggestions for plenary session on Wednesday afternoon ====================================================== (four 30 min. talks): 1) New Dark Matter Models & implications for the ILC: Graham Kribs (or Jay Wacker or Neal Weiner) 2) Squark & Gluino production at the ILC: Tom Rizzo 3) Precision measurements at the ILC (top and alphas, SCET, fixed order(NNLO)): Sean Fleming (or Thomas Becher) 4) New developments in loop calculations and their implications for the LHC and ILC : Lance Dixon (or Guilia Zanderighi or Zvi Bern or Frank Petriello) And, if there is room in the Friday afternoon benchmark session: 5) (No) Eternal Inflation and Precision Higgs Physics: Leonardo Senatore (arXiv:0801.2399) 6) Baryogenesis models that shift the properties of the Higgs: David Morrissey or Maxim Perelstein 7) Z'-mediated SUSY breaking: Lian-Tao Wang