The text below tends to summarise expectations and plans of (part of) the European ILC vertex community from the DevDet-2 project. It shows two alternative approaches. The first one (exposed in Part A) provides an overview of activities exclusively connected to ILC vertex detector issues. The second one (Part B) tries to distribute these issues among wide scope work packages which may encompass similar issues related to other machines (e.g. SLHC). The second approach impacts of course the former EUVIF (WP-10) part of of the DevDet project, with some "dismantling" effects. It has the advantage of being more transversal, an aspect which may be considered with great interest by the EU project examinators. The organisation of the project follows guide lines wich may be summarised as follows, to be applied more generally through the whole project. In particular, topics to be incorporated in a work package and trigger EU funding, should satisfy the following criteria: - they should be restricted to system integration issues (i.e. no detector technologies' R&D), for which they should aim at providing integrating and testing facilities; - they should not already be launched and carry on independently of DevDet2. Projects which will not crucially depend on EU funding but are needed because they are essential to it, may however be mentioned in the project description as external basic inputs to it; - they may rely on a know-how and equipments of some specific participating institutes which use the project to make them available to the whole community as a service of general interest; - infrastructures resulting from, and funded by, the project should be installed in international labs which can ensure that their operation and access will be maintained after the end of the project. PART A : ACTIVITIES FOCUSSED ON AN ILC VERTEX DETECTOR ====================================================== 1/ Questions addressed by the project All questions are related to an ILC vertex detector. They concentrate on integration aspects, which may only occasionnaly be related to a given pixel technology. The R&D of pixel technologies is supposed to take place outside of the EU funded part of the project. Several of the questions addressed below were discussed within the EUDET/JRA-1 or the ILC vertex community during the last few months. A list of questions motivating the project follows. For the sake of clarity, they are grouped in 4 different categories. One category concerns the operation of complex systems. Another one embraces all system design aspects. A third category groups all studies focussing on special stresses affecting the pixel detector. A fourth category covers the vertex and track reconstruction performances. The main components of each category are listed below. A) OPERATING complex, low material, pixellised systems: - operate and read out modules made of several pixel sensors connected to the same servicing cable and assembled on the same mechanical support (e.g. ladder) - operate and read out pixel planes (called layers) made of several ladders - operate and read out systems composed of several layers (at least 3), equivalent to part of a vertex detector or of a high resolution tracker B) REALISING a high performance pixel detector - achieve very light single-sided (resp. double-sided) ladders, typically 12 to 25 cm^2 long, representing a total material budget equivalent to less than 0.2 % X0 (resp. 0.3 % X0) - achieve precise and very light mechanical systems holding (slightly overlaping) ladders in a layer - achieve a light and precise multi-layer system C) TEST the robustness against stressing running conditions - study the extraction of the power dissipated by ladders, layers or groups of layers - study the mechanical stability of layers with air flow - study the mechanical stability of layers with pulsed sensor powering, within a high magnetic field D) ASSESS Vertex and track reconstruction performances - study the tracking and vertexing performances of a group of layers for various geometries, sensor technologies and ladder types (single-sided versus double-sided) - evaluate the alignment capacities of a group of layers for various geometries and ladder types - estimate the impact of the vertex detector characteristics on the global PFA and compare to simulation results 2/ Infrastructures required to make the studies Part of the project requires particle beams while some other of its components rely on other types of infrastructure. A) Project deliverables ending around particle beams - large surface beam telescope, extrapolated from the EUDET BT, typically composed of 3x3 MIMOSA-26 sensors per plane. The latter would therefore cover an area exceeding 3x6 cm^2 - 3 layer vertex detector piece of pie with possibility of interchanging the detector components (ladders), connected to a dedicated data acquisition system - (movable) target installed on beam for vextexing studies B) Project deliverables which are not accelerator based - power cycling facility within magnetic field - power extraction facility with diagnostic capabilities - mechanical study facility of new ladder concepts - simulation and reconstruction software - know how in realising high-tech detector components (e.g. ultra-light ladders for various pixel technologies) 3/ Scientific programme The programme of the project combines the construction of pieces of apparatus and infrastructures, writing simulation and reconstruction programmes and realising specific studies. The means required to achieve this programme ought to rely firstly on the ressources made available by the project partners. The high profile description of section 2/ may therefore be revisited towards more conservative goals. The components of the programme overviewed above are not all part of the project itself, but are necessary inputs to make it achievable. For instance, the vertex detector ladders will be designed and fabricated independently within a non-EU project, called PLUME (standing for Pixellised Ladder with Ultra-Light Material Embedding), combining the efforts of groups from Strasbourg, Oxford, Bristol and DESY. The project has started early in 2009, and will already be quite adavanced when DevDet2 may start. More generally, whatever is going to be produced independently of the DevDet project should, whenever possible, not be part of it. This is mainly to restrict the EU support to the most crucial components and to keep the number of deliverables (and related paper work and other constraints, etc.) to a minimum. The working programme may be settled as follows, assuming the best adapted time unit to be the quarter of a year, and the project to begin in January 2011 (i.e. after the end of the EUDET project): * Year-1 (2011): > Q1: definition of task sharing > Q2-Q4: preparing test infrastructures in participating labs * Year-2 (2012): - CERN: > Q1: bring infrastructure material to CERN > Q2: assemble material on CERN beam > Q3-Q4: commission infrastructure - DESY: > Q1: install devices (ladders) within magnetic field at DESY for power cycling > Q2-Q4: realise power cycling tests * Year-3 (2013): - CERN: > Q1: install first devices (e.g. PLUME ladders) inside infrastructure > Q2: commission ladder system > Q3-Q4: assess system (spatial resolution, alignment, impact parameter resolution, etc.) - DESY: > Q1-Q2: realise 2nd generation ladders (outside of the project) > Q3-Q4: realise power cycling tests at DESY with 2nd generation devices * Year-4 (2014): - CERN: > Q1-Q3: repeat operation with other ladders All deliverables are not included in this programme (e.g. software, ladder construction know-how). PART B : ACTIVITIES EMBRACING TRACKING TOPICS ============================================= The approach introduced below aims at incorporating the tasks related to the ILC vertex detector in a scheme which does not separate them sharply from tasks related to other topics which may be considered within the project in general. The vertex detector tasks may thus be scattered over various work packages. This may not sound attractive, but there may be ways to achieve a global set of work packages which offers more pros than cons. The question is complicated, and requires much effort in defining the content and contours of the different work packages. The latter should be chosen with emphasis on "transversality". An attempt is made below, which aims at providing some seeds of thoughts. The choice of the WP topics listed below was guided by its combined interest for an ILC vertex detector and for other sub-detectors and experiments at other machines, SLHC in particular. A major obstacle to this approach reflects that most issues will require very different optimisations for the SLHC and for the ILC. This may however not be a showstopper. We may chose work packages addressing topics which are general enough to avoid this trap (e.g. power distribution and savings for complex systems). 1/ Low noise integrated detection systems This work package accompanies the trend of integrating read-out (and steering) micro-circuits of various detectors as close as possible to the sensitive volume. The benefits of this approach are a reduced capacitive noise as well as reduced power losses in steering and read-out busses. This translates directly into substantial detection performance improvements. Some concrete cases illustrating the topic follow. A) FEE integrated in detectors (mainly networking activity allowing to reach the critical mass needed to access commercial processes) - standard CMOS sensors for pixel detectors (ILC) - high resistivity pixel sensors (CLIC, SLHC) - 3D sensor realisation/connexion, i.e. combining sensitive component with multi-tier read-out micro-circuits (ILC, CLIC, SLHC) - other sub-detectors ??? B) Compact miniaturised read-out FEE (mainly networking activity allowing design kit access and critical mass contruction for engineering runs) - VDSM manufacturing processes - 3DIT r.o. micro-circuits' design - radiation tolerant design 2/ Large system power distribution The work package addresses simultaneously the question of providing the necessary steering power to systems made of millions of electronics channels, as well as power saving strategies. It therefore drives considerations on minimising the power needed and power losses as well as on power extraction. It approaches the question for a large variety of systems, and incorporates power pulsing for the ILC: A) Large surface systems - SLHC trackers - ILC/CLIC EM calorimeters B) Megapixel systems - Vertex detectors - SLHC trigger sub-systems 3/ High precision tracking The work package addresses the topic of future high precision tracking, and includes all major R&D directions allowing to overcome the limits of state-of-the-art devices. It covers therefore the following topics: A) Sensor issues : - sensor thinning --> networking to group thinning operations of different sensors to low costs, and to ensure exchange of knowledge - search for thin sensor technologies and investigate their properties B) Mechanical issues : - material and design studies leading, for instance, to light and rigid ladder concepts C) Alignment : - detector design studies allowing for well controled alignment - alignment strategies for specific sub-detector combinations (e.g. how can one prove that the impact parameter resolution claimed for an ILC vertex detector is achievable ?)