European GDE meeting

459 in Building 30b (DESY)

459 in Building 30b


Notkestr. 85, 22607 Hamburg, Germany
The start time of this meeting is set by the end of the XFEL Industrial Forum which takes place at DESY on 9 & 10 May. There will be a GDE meeting devoted to Linac issues from 11 May onwards. The agenda for the EGDE meeting will be mostly related to discussion of proposals for FP7. It is possible to attend this meeting by videoconference: Name: ILC EGDE Number: 0011349884523343. This number is valid for H.323 participants connected through VIDENET / the Global dialling system (GDS). H.323 participants on ESNET only need to call 884523343. Phone or ISDN users should dial +1-510-883-7860 and then enter 884523343#