Agenda Plan, 14-17 December 2009
This shows a preliminary agenda.
The meeting will start at 14:00, 14th December and will end at noon, 17th December, 2009.
We would like to have more discussion time than presentations.
Major issues to be discussed are listed below;
Commissioning status - beam and optics tuning
- Performance of High Beta Optics Beam Tuning
- Dispersion correction - residual one from DR ?
- Coupling correction
- ATF Operation
- ATF2 commissioning and non-ATF2 studies as well as maintenance
- more international support for operation ?
Critical review of achievements and shed light on issues to be studied
- Performance of BPM system ( C- , S-band and stripline BPMs)
- Stability of calibration constant
- High resolution without attenuator
- Orbit reconstruction
- Performance of 5 wire scanner system
- emittance
- effect of coupling, dispersion
- Performance of Shintake monitor
- new instrument such as screen monitor, wire scanner, knife edge monitor at IP
- interference with phase stability
- Alignment
- tools to be universal ? - e.g. KEK and SLAC styles
- long term
- survey in summers
- HLS system
- short term
- Straightness monitor
- Monalisa
Milestones in 2009-2010
- sub-micron beam size
- ILC scaled &sigmay=75nm
- Design &sigmay=37nm
- 2nm resolution of IP BPM
- FONT IP feedback commissioning for nm stability of IP position
Future Plan in 2010 -
- Generation of ILC like bunch train
- fast kicker
- FONT feedback with IPBPM or tilt-monitor
Pushed beta R&D
- study at present configuration for Eduardo MARIN LACOMA's (CERN) Doctor degree
- SC-QD0 and a new QF1 with larger aperture
- stability of magnetic field to be less than 50nm : tolerance at ILC
- stabilization at nm level by the FONT IP feedback : demonstration of ILC stabilization
- smaller multipoles :
sextupole components of QF1 and QD0, and 12-pole component of QF1
e.g. present magnets have QD0 sext:0.0255 and
QF1 sext/12-pole:0.0274/0.036
, where values are % quadrapole field strength at r=1cm and nominal field values for ATF2 design optics QD0=132.2A, QF1=77.5A
- replace QF1 with the SC-FD instead of QD0 for the issue of "12-pole component of QF1".
The 9th ATF TB/SGC Meeting
The 9th ATF TB/SGC will be held at 14:00 -, 17th December after the project meeting at KEK, and the Year-End Party will be thrown on evening of 17th December.