27–30 Jan 2010
Couvent des cordeliers
Europe/Paris timezone
The theme 'nicecompact' does not exist.
After the examination of our letter of intent by the International Detector Advisory Group and after receiving the ILCSC's permission to develop a Detector Baseline Design, we will gather in this meeting to elaborate our roadmap toward this DBD. The Research Director has provided us a workplan to achieve this report by end 2012. The aim of this meeting is then to devise a detailed workplan and a timeline taking into account the design of the beam delivery system, the design of the hall for push-pull, the LoI's design of the ILD detector and its pending questions. The baseline has to be composed of parts for which feasibility is proven. The necessary R&D and the means to accomplish them must be identified. A specific point to address will be the procedure to be used for estimating the readiness of the technical solutions we intend to fully simulate and retain in the baseline. Plan of the detector groups after validation (RD Sakue Yamada): 1. Continue R&Ds on critical components to demonstrate proof of principle. 2. Define a feasible baseline design (options may also be considered). 3. Complete basic mechanical integration of the baseline design accounting for insensitive zones. 4. Develop a realistic simulation model of the baseline design, including faults and limitations. 5. Develop a push-pull mechanism working with relevant groups. 6. Develop a realistic concept of integration with the accelerator including the IR design 7. Simulate and analyse benchmark reactions, which can be updated. 8. Simulate and analyse some reactions at 1 TeV, including realistic higher energy backgrounds demonstrating the detector performance. 9. Develop an improved cost estimate. .
Couvent des cordeliers
15 rue de l'École de Médecine 75006 PARIS FRANCE
The meeting fees are of 35 €. The social dinner will be held at the "Train Bleu" restaurant. A contribution of 75€ is required for participation.