From: Gleb Oleinik Date: February 11, 2010 4:18:50 PM PST To: James Brau Cc: Uriel Nauenberg , Jack gill Subject: Re: SB2009 stau analysis (fwd) Jim, We presented a similar series of plots in the paper here: or, in PS format, here: These new plots are identical to those, except we've also shown the effects when the intensity of the beamstrahlung is multiplied by factors of 2 and 3. Here's a brief overview of the what the plots show: We electron showers on the BeamCal of with incident energies of 50GeV, 100GeV, and 150GeV, at polar angles of 0, 90, and 180 degrees. For each combination of incident energy and angle, there are four plots: Electron_Detection_Efficiency_*GeV_phi*.eps Shows the electron detection efficiency for the given incident energy and angle, as a function of r, which is the distance from the outgoing beampipe center. Each plot has 3 curves, one showing the efficiency when the with the beamstrahlung intensity as it is according to the ILC 500GeV nominal parameters at SiD02, while the two curves show the efficiency when this intensity is mulitplied by factors of 2 and 3. energy_*GeV_1x_*GeV_phi*.eps Shows average cluster energies for the given incident energy and angle as a function of R. So, each plot has 4 curves: 1.'electron' shows the average energy contribution of just the incident high energy e- to the cylindrical cluster described in the paper above at the given (r, phi) 2. 'overlaid' shows the average energy contribution of both the incident high energy e- and the beamstrahlung deposition at the given (r,phi) 3. 'subtracted' is the same as overlaid, except the expected beamstrahlung deposition for that (r,phi) is subtracted from each cluster before the average is taken 4. 'sigmaBeams_*x' is different, it shows the standard deviation of the expected beamstrahlung deposition for that (r,phi). As described in the paper above, we get the detection efficiency by comparing this standard deviation to the 'subtracted' cluster energy of each e- event: if the subtracted energy > 3*sigmaBeams, then we say the e- is detected, otherwise we say it is not. So, by comparing the 'subtracted' curve to the 'sigmaBeams' curve, you can get a feel for what the efficiency at that energy and angle should be as a function of phi. energy_50GeV_2x_*GeV_phi*.eps Same as above, except the beamstrahlung's intensity was doubled. energy_50GeV_3x_*GeV_phi*.eps Same as above, except the beamstrahlung's intensity was tripled. So, 9 combinations of energy and angle, times 4 plots per combo, gives you the 36 plots. The key conclusions are all illustrated in the plots labelled "Electron_Detection_Efficiency_*GeV_phi*.eps". The other plots are there to justify the efficiency results we've obtained. -Gleb On Thu, 11 Feb 2010, James Brau wrote: Uriel, These plots are very interesting.  However, I was hoping you would prepare a brief summary.  It is hard to digest the key conclusions from so many plots. Thanks, Jim On Feb 11, 2010, at 2:17 PM, Uriel Nauenberg wrote: Hi Jim:    Can you summarize the reactions to our plots on the Beamcal resolution deterioration.    Cheers,          Uriel nOn Mon, 1 Feb 2010, James Brau wrote: It would be nice to summarize this in a few plots.  Could you do that? Jim -- Uriel Nauenberg Prof. of Physics Campus Box 390, Physics Dept., University of Colorado, Boulder, CO 80309-390 Phone # (303) 492-7715 FAX   # (303) 492-5119