Tuesday: core tools ======== - Charge to the Workshop [Akiya] - News in core ILCSoft: LCIO, Marlin, CED, ... [Frank] (possibly split into two.... see below CED ...) - ILD Software for CLIC detector R&D [ ?? ] ( high multiplicites, bg-studies, etc....) - SID software overview [Norman] - event displays - DRUID [ Manqi] ( - CED [Jan,Frank?] ) - Grid production - DIRAC [Stephane Poss] - GridProd [Jan] - geometry - GEAR - GearTGeo [Astrid] - GearCGA (geant4) [Paulo] reco tools ======= - Digitization overview and plans for the DBD [?] - FPCCD Digitization [D.Kamai] - Tracking - general overview and plans [Steve] - Fwd Tracking ??? [Winfried, so. from Spain !?] - Calorimetry - PandoraPFANew [John] - DHcal ? - Strip Clustering (ScEcal) [K.Kotera] - Garlic ? - others ? - Vertexing - LCFIVertex progress/status Analysis Tools, Bg and Optimization studies ================== - PID (PFOID) [?] - tau-,mu-,gamma,.... finders - jet finders ? - kinematic fitting ? - report from BG-Working group [Mark] - maybe some short talks on studies ... ? Wednesday: Simulation Status =========== -sub-detector drivers (reports from Mokka-sw-contatcs) .... see Paris ILD meeting .... (possibly extend into the after-lunch session ....) Integration and Software joined Session ========================= - report from ILD-Integration-WG meeting in Paris [ ? ] - status cabling, support and services material [Catherine] discussion : - how to include in simulation level of detail, inhomogenity, .... Thursday: ILD- Meeting ========== - summary of Software meeting [] - summary of Integration meeting [] - report from SCTG-generators on new MC production [Mikael] - ILD and SB2009 response discussion: - ILD goals for the DBD - subdetector R&D - software/physics - Plans for future Monte Carlo production => to iterated with ILD-EB