ILD Detector Optimisation WG Phone Meeting
Wednesday 9 February 2011 -
Monday 7 February 2011
Tuesday 8 February 2011
Wednesday 9 February 2011
Progress with reconstruction of Strip ECAL
Katsushige Kotera
Shinshu University, Faculty of Science,
Progress with reconstruction of Strip ECAL
Katsushige Kotera
Shinshu University, Faculty of Science,
14:00 - 14:30
Towards SDHcal Reconstruction
Gerald Grenier
IPN Lyon
Towards SDHcal Reconstruction
Gerald Grenier
IPN Lyon
14:30 - 14:50
Study of near-degenerate selectrons
Mikael Berggren
DESY Hamburg
Study of near-degenerate selectrons
Mikael Berggren
DESY Hamburg
14:50 - 15:00