SiW ECAL mech&elec



- Roman
assebly room in prgress, should be ready for moving in in mid-march

- Patrick
interconnections: test PCBs and kaptons are produced. visit 3M and/or Miyashi (?) together with Remi.

- Julien Bonis
measurement of wire-bonded asics on boards. typically wires reach 0.2-0.3mm below the top surface. considered different glues for encasing the chip: should be rather fluid. Araldite 2020 seems appropriate (also recommended by CERN contacts). Will prepare a small teflon mold to allow the gluing. glue will be gently injected into mold.

- Julien G.
Cooling studies progressing with new stagaire.

- Denis
aluminium rails ready, will be sent soon
for long alveolar structure, long aluminium core will be delivered begin feb. should be easier to extract than steel version previously used. Will try to use both and compare results.
working on mechnical structure to support prototype.
also discussions about fixing of ETD on ECAL front surface.

- Daniel
preliminary agenda for next meeting 8/9 feb. (8=ECAL, 9=electronics, DAQ)
2 testbeams forseen for 2011: June and November.
- June to test FEV7/SPIROC2/DAQ2
- November to hopefully test SKIROC2. if this is not ready in time, may postpone to start 2012.
- need to do bench tests well before going to test beam (at least 1~2 months)

- Mickael (presented by Daniel)
alveolar structure status
- mold has been recieved, first test assembly test has been done. small modifications made to mold to prevent distortions under pressure. Will be used to study thermal properties for the final curing.
optical fibres with bragg grating will arrive soon (next week?). then proceed to make final layer.

next meeting 8/9 feb (face-to-face at LLR).
There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 1
      news from LLR
      Speakers: Michael Frotin, Mr mickael frotin (llr)
    • 2
      Speakers: Mr Julien GIRAUD (LPSC CNRS), Julien Rene Giraud (Laboratoire de Physique Subatomique et de Cosmologie (LPSC)-Univ)
    • 3
      news from LAL
      Speakers: Mr Julien Bonis (LAL/IN2P3/CNRS), Patrick Cornebise (Lab. de l'Accelerateur Lineaire (IN2P3) (LAL)-Universite de Pari), Mr Patrick Cornebise (CNRS LAL Orsay), Roman Poeschl (LAL Orsay), Mr Stéphane Callier (OMEGA / LAL)
    • 4
      plans for testbeams and next face-to-face meeting
      Speaker: Daniel Jeans (Ecole Polytechnique)
    • 5
      any other business