Von: Ties Behnke Datum: 13. Februar 2011 09:21:36 MEZ An: ild-exe@desy.de Betreff: [ild-exe] preparation for meeting with IDAG Dear all, at the upcoming ALCPG meeting in Eugene IDAG will once again interview ILD. They like to concentrate on the state of our preparations for the DBD. To prepare for this we like to ask the contacts to the R&D groups and the leaders of the ILD working groups to provide some information: - please summarise briefly the state of the R&D preparations and in particular the progress you expect to be able to achieve in time for the DBD, and which is relevant to ILD. Of particular interest is this in those areas where we follow more than one technology: how far do you expect will the comparison between different technologies be? - please mention the personpower situation: where do we have particular problems? Has the outlook changed since about one year ago? - it would be interesting if you could also briefly comment on the state of the collaboration with SiD or/ and CLIC. Many thanks, Ties, for the JSB Dr. Ties Behnke DESY FLC Tel. +4940 8998 4918 e-mail Ties.Behnke desy.de