(1) Today, I found a web site which calculates the radiation does by international flights at http://www.nirs.go.jp/research/jiscard/data/index.shtml I'm sorry that this is Japanese sites. But it calculates the dose taking into account airport locations, sun activity of flight date and flight altitude. According to the web site calculation, the radiation does by a round trip flight from Narita to New York ranges from about 60 to about 150 micro Sv depending on the conditions. I wrote 200 micro Sv in the slide page 3, because it is shown many places in web sites describing radiation does in our area. I think 200 micro Sv is a kind of maximum value we may exposed by the flight and not an average value. So I should have been more careful when comparing the does numerically. But still I think we can conclude that environmental does rate in KEK area is low. On the other hand, as I wrote in slide 3, we don't know what will happen before Fukushima plant is completely cooled down. Further serious events may happen because the crisis is not over. (2) About the status of KEKCC system. I heard the rumor today that a disk and tape system may be damaged. I don't know yet how many files and which files are lost. I'm still waiting an official message. (3) There were no rolling blackout in Tokyo area in last three days. It is also announced there is no rolling blackout tomorrow. This is partially because of less use of air conditioning in the area thanks to the higher temperature than last week and also other efforts by many people to save electric power. However, electric power in KEK is still restricted at minimum level. (written 31-March-2011)