Final EUDET IB-meeting (Phone meeting)

SEM. Room 11 (01c/343a/b) (DESY+Phone)

SEM. Room 11 (01c/343a/b)


leif jonsson (phys. dept., lund univ.)
The agenda for the meeting is as follows: 1. Redistribution of the remaining EU-funds, which have been transferred to DESY on 30.06.2011 2. Submitting of the revised EUDET final report to arXive. ------------------------- The meeting can be joined by telephone: +49 40 8998 1333 (Meeting ID: 38338) For those who are at DESY: the meeting will take place in the seminar room 11.
authors lists for the EUDET arXive report (all versions)
EUDET financial table with the distribution of the final EC payment
Final settlement of the EUDET budget
The agenda of this meeting is empty