Hi All,
Below are some notes taken at our meeting last week by Margaret, with a few small edits by me. At the bottom of the email is a reminder of our homework for this week.
Our next meeting will be Friday at 1:00. For those at Fermilab it will be at the same place, the Woodshed, WH7X.
The agenda will be presentation of the homework which I expect will be dominated by the presentation of use cases. Please keep the use cases focused on what users of the system might do and try to keep them free of implementation details. We will also discuss a rough plan for how we get to the end by July 1.
I have asked Margaret to prepare a charge for us.
Wally Kissel - AD operations. One of the primary developers of E-log at FNAL. It is written in PERL and based of an implementation at Oakridge from 1997. Widely used throughout the accelerator complex.
Suzanne Gysin - CD. Current developer and supporter of the CRL. Java and XML based. Roots are in 1994. Web interface added 4 years ago. In use by several HEP experiments - D0, Minos, miniboone, CMS, DES, MIPP.
Elvin Harms - AD. Broad experience in electronic logbooks at many sites including FNAL, DESY, and CERN.
Mike Tartaglia - AD. Lead AD evaluations of electronic logbooks last year which resulted in the birth of WEBLOG.
In use at TD.
Jim Patrick - AD Controls. one of the initial people to setup CDF E-log which was based off of the AD E-log but
has since diverged.
Rob Kutschke - CD. No practical electronic logbook experience (and therefore presumably neutral).
Claude Saunders - ANL. Interested in software engineering aspects for the ILC.
Janice Nelson - SLAC. ILC/NLCTA operations. Much experience with SLAC logbooks. Several deployments including
Margaret Votava - CD. Just here to kick off the meeting.
We distinguished between a control room logbook (entries are not editable, and shift information superimposed) or a notebook, in which entries are editable. We will learn when the charge is delivered that we are being asked to deliver recommendations for both. Our scope is
limited to the FNAL ILCTA areas only. These will be spelled out in the
The goal is to select a single logbook, not one that is quick and easy and one that is feature rich and more complex. And one that can handle both notebook and control room logbook functionality. The final choice needs to accept programmatic entry.
Should we setup play areas in the various alternatives as a sandbox? Not yet.
Do users have a experience in an existing technology and may require retraining? Should that be an influencing factor? Yes and yes.
We learned that the history behind the committee is that Shekhar Mishra,
in his role as management for the FNAL ILC effort, asked Margaret for a recommendation about an electronic logbook and she established the committee to advise her. We will report to Margaret ( and Shekhar ? - this will be clarified in the charge). We agreed to a deadline of July 1 for a written recommendation explaining the rationale for our recommendations. Margaret and Shekhar will use the document to support their effort to have an electronic logbook that is officially supported by the laboratory.
Homework for next week.
Janice will provide list of logbooks used at SLAC
Elvin will provide the list of logbooks at CERN
Mike will type up and send out his evaluation notes from last year
Suzanne will create a website with useful information
All will come up with a handful of use cases for the next meeting.
Meeting schedule/agenda/notes should be kept in the ILC Indico server (all should get accounts). This meeting is at:
There are minutes attached to this event.
Show them.