Minutes of Meeting, June 2, 2006 1:00 CDT
Present: Rob, Suzanne, Jim, Wally
By Phone: Janice, Claude.
Minutes written by Rob.
Corrections and comments are welcome.
[ My editorial comments in square brackets. ]
Our next meeting is Friday June 9, 2006 at 9:00 PM CDT.
I will find a room for us at Fermilab.
1) Discuss an alternate time for next two weeks.
2) Continue the discussion from last week.
3) Plan for next weeks.
In order to accomodate Suzanne's trip to CERN and the EPICS
conference the new two meetings will be at different times:
Friday June 9, 9:00 CDT
Monday June 10, 10:00 CDT
We continued the discussion from the previous week. The spreadsheet
was updated with additional info from several sources - thanks to everyone
who contributed.
The two new products for which information is available this week are
HepBook and the SNS logbook. The only "native" notebook on our list is
HepBook. All of the others are "native" logbooks which we believe we can
make work as
Last week people were asked to look into how hard it would be to add
certifcate based security and improved searching to the logbooks they were
studying. In all cases there was some way to do this.
The 4 Fermi ILC test areas are already using some sort of logbook.
The IB1 area is using Weblog while the others are using the AD Elog.
We talked about the underlying technologies - a few of us needed
explanations about what roles various products like XSLT play. The
conclusions we reached were:
a) There are not a lot of people at the lab with any experience in XSLT.
Does this disqualify the DESY TTF logbook? No. We just need to understand
the effort involved to use it.
b) A similar question was raised about Apple WebObjects in the SNS logbook.
Same answer.
c) Claude believes that a single WebObjects license is needed for one server
to handle all logbooks. So the license issue is a small one.
d) We already decided to pass over the DESY-IHEP logbook because it is too new
and the documentation is poor. HepBook is also new - should we also pass
it over? There is some experience with CMS so we do not want to pass it
over purely on new-ness grounds. There are other issues - see below.
e) We also asked the "too new" question about TD Weblog. We decided that there
is enough experience.
Several other questions were raised about HepBook:
a) We need to clarify what access, if any, we have to the source.
b) We need to understand if the lab is willing to pay money, as opposed
to staff time, to support HepBook. Rob will ask Shekhar about this.
Conclusion of the Evaluation of the Underlying Technologies.
Still under consideration:
TTF Elog - XSLT is a small drawback.
JLAB Elog -
FNAL TD WebLog -
SNS Elog - WebObjects is a small drawback
FNAL AD elog - Large existing userbase but the product is not likely
HepBook - Big issues with access to source and M&S costs.
DESY-IHEP - too new and documentation is too poor
What's next?
The next step is understand what features, as seen by the user, each logbook
provides. Suzanne will merge her previous list with one provided by Janice.
[ This has been done now. ] We should each fill out this checklist for
the products on which we are reporting. Rob will collate the answers that
are in by Thursday evening.
We will also need to prioritize the features on this list.
On this pass we will look to eliminate candidates that are missing features
or are otherwise awkward to use. After that we need to choose among the
remaining candidates.
There are minutes attached to this event.
Show them.