inutes of Meeting, June 9, 2006 9:00 CDT
Present: Rob, Jim P., Wally, Elvin
By Phone: Janice, Claude.
By weblog: Suzanne
Minutes written by Rob.
Corrections and comments are welcome.
[ My editorial comments in square brackets. ]
Our next meeting is Monday June 19, 2006 at 10:00 PM CDT
In the Bullpen, WH7XE.
1) Discuss the feature lists.
2) Develop followup homework on the featurelists.
This ended up being a short meeting dominated by technical difficulties
connecting with Suzanne in CERN. Since the meeting we think that we
solved the problem ( see below for details )
1) Wally and Elvin were at a meeting of the "Horizontal Test Stand" group
to find out who is involved with that project and to discuss their wants
and needs. The biggest thing on the wish list was to streamline
capturing information that is displayed on another window on the same
console. Most (all?) of the elogs under consideration have some sort of
solution but they are, in general, clumsy and inconsistent.
The solutions that exist at present involve saving/printing the other window
and attaching/importing it into the elog. This has a lot of steps and the
required sequence of steps may depend on the details of the other
application, the OS on which you are running the web browser and so on.
So it works but it is not elegant. Another drawback is that some elogs
don't disply the image of the saved window, they just indicate that it is
2) Janice mentioned that the JLAB elog as deployed at SLAC has a drag and
drop feature and she looked into it after the meeting and sent around email.
I will paraphrase some parts of it it. The JLAB/SLAC elog can be accessed
either via a web browser or via a tk application. When a user is running
the tk application it is possible to drag and drop any rectangle from
the screen into the elog. It is turned into a jpg or a gif and attached
to the entry; it is not inlined or thumbnail-inlined. The feature does not
work if you use the web interface. The tk application does not need to
run on the machine whose screen you are using.
3) Wally mentioned described the AD elog. If you are running your browser on
a Windows machine ( not Linux or other ), then there is a helper application
that you can install on your machine. The helper application allows you to
select a window on your desktop. That image will be turned into an image file
(eg jpg, gif ) and the path to the image file will be place in the clipboard.
You can then use the normal image attachment feature to attach the image.
The image is displayed inline.
4) Jim mentioned that CDF can accept entries by email but has been having problems
with spam.
5) Last week we had discussed Apple WebObjects and wondered if they were enough of
an impediment that we shold remove the SNS logbook from our list. We did not
really make a decision. Claude, who I believe is most knowledgeable about
WebObjects argued that we should have removed it from our list. There were not any
objections - are there any from people not at the meeting?
6) Rob's meeting with Shekhar and Margaret will be on Monday.
7) The homework for the week is to finish last week's homework. Complete the job
of saying which features various logbooks have and add the column which rates
features from must have to frivolous. Be sure to indicate which ratings are
yours and which are derived from others. If half the people give a feature
a really strong rating and half really weak, say that; don't just average it.
Solution to the Conference Call problem:
The confernence call software requires the caller to use the # key
to mark the end of the conference number. Suzanne needs to use
a calling card to make a long distance call from CERN to the US.
The calling card uses the # key to end a call and start a new one
and there does not seem to be a way to escape it to pass it through.
She used use * instead of # to mark the end of the conference number.
The conference call software issued an error and asked for a retry.
After three retries it decided that she was a hopeless case and
routed her to an operator - problem solved.
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