Minutes of Meeting, June 30, 2006 1:00 PM CDT
Present: Rob, Jim P., Suzanne, Elvin
By Phone: Claude, Suzanne
Minutes written by Rob.
Corrections and comments are welcome.
[ My editorial comments in square brackets. ]
This was the last meeting of the taskforce.
Rob gave feedback from the presentation he gave yesterday
to the ILC task leaders. I did not get a lot of feedback
on the main body of our work - just a general nodding of
heads to most points. A few people afterwards said that
the CRL was the right answer. If there was anyone there
who favoured the TD Weblog or the AD Elog, they kept quiet.
There was feedback on the suggestion of using the TTF logbook
hosted from DESY. People did not say much but they were visibly
very uncomfortable with the idea. The few comments were negative.
Essentially no one wants to consider this without a written
commentment from DESY management that they will provide what we
need. My reading between the lines is that this would require
effort from lab management and they have higher priorities.
We discussed the report. We looked at Suzannes recommendations
for specfic tasks to upgrade the CRL. Everyone was happy with
this list. Claude suggested that we add a comment saying that
the CRL, as deployed now, could be used by people offsite as
their elog. Rob will add it.
Jim and Janice asked for some more time to get comments in.
Rob will take the comments that he receives by this evening
and edit the final version. He will then sumbit it.
There are minutes attached to this event.
Show them.