From Akira, via email: - The TDR Part 2, Chapter 3 has been edited again by Nobu, on Sept. 1, and     the editing work has been transferred to the "top-level-editing" kindy being carried out by Nick.  - I am assisting Nick, according to Nick's request, time by time.  - There has been some difficulty to manage Chapter 4 and 5, because of necessity of more sophisticated    coordination between SLAC and KEK because of two different approach.  - I would think, it has been finally managed, even though the status would not be satisfactory from a     a view point of general editing/ top-level editing.     I feel better to combine the Chapter 3,4, 5, back to be in one large chapter with sub structure remaining     as it is.   It will give us easier work to check the draft quickly and consistently.   -  I have never touch this part, because it should be better to follow your guidance.  -  I would appreciate very much everybody who has been involved to bring the draft status up to here,     even though it would be far from a satisfactory  and comfortable condition from a view point of higher     editing view point.  -  I have been still working on the TDR1 Chapter 3.      I could manage to read and comment on the edited version by Eckhard      by Cavity integration section and it has been separately sent to Eckhard, time by time.  - I have to go through the end hopefully by the end of this week.