Thursday 12 June 2014
West Coast East Coast W.Europe Japan
05.00 08.00 14.00 21.00
PLEASE NOTE: The LCTPC Pixel meetings are done by Fuzebox; connection details can be found under "Material: Fuzebox information".
To the agenda: Listed are all topics on which currently work is done in the field of LCTPC-pixel. This does not necessarily mean that everyone has to give a presentation or an update each meeting.
Meeting URL
Toll / Intl #: +1 (201) 479-4595
Toll free #: +1 (855) 346-3893
Meeting number: 24918459
Topics in LCTPC-pixel
This should be a list of topics currently worked on and the people involved.
Pixel track reconstruction
News on the status of a new alorithm for track finding for a pixel TPC in MarinTPC
Martin Rogowski(University of Bonn)
Octoboard simulation
News on the status of a simulation of the electric field an the occupance of an 8 chip Timepix board
Oleg Bezshyyko, Oleksiy Fedorchuk
96 chip module
News on the construction of a 96 Timepix module for the large TPC prototype at DESY
Michael Lupberger
Readout system
News on the status of the SRS based readout system for the Timepix chip
Michael Lupberger
Testbeam data analysis
News of the analysis of the data taken during the March/April 2013 testbeam campaign at the large TPC prototype at DESY with a 8 chip InGrid board and a 8 chip Timepix + 3Gem setup.