8th AD&I meeting



Kaoru Yokoya (KEK)

Subject:  8th ILC-ADI meeting

Date:  Thu, Feb 26 2015

Start Time:  14:00:00 GMT

End Time:  15:30:00 GMT

Meeting URL:



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Planning for ALWC2015 machine sessions

The primary focus of this meeting will be to arrive at a block schedule for the upcoming AWLC2015 workshop. This includes session titles, conveners (organisers), goals for the sessions, as well as any special focus/satellite meetings (smaller group requests). To make this FUZE meeting effective, WG coordinators are requested to send their best estimate of the time they will require for their respective area sessions, together with a brief theme/goal for the session (or sessions), to Nick Walker (nicholas.walker@desy.de) by 19.02.2015 at the latest. The WG sessions blocks should be briefly presented as part of the WG status reports. Note that the detailed programme is not required at this time, but only session title, theme/goals and expected duration.

Please remember our goal is to keep a minimum amount of overlap of the sessions as possible, effectively making everything plenary (at least for the machine). If you require smaller focus meetings (a smaller group) please indicate that in your request.

    • 15:00 15:05
      Announcements and management news 5m
    • 15:05 15:50
      Reports from WG leaders 45m
      • Sources 10m
        Speaker: Wei Gai (ANL)
      • Damping Rings 10m
        Speaker: Prof. David Rubin (Cornell University)
      • RTML 10m
        Speaker: Dr Shigeru KURODA (KEK)
      • Main linacs & bunch compressors 10m
        Speaker: Dr Nikolay Solyak (FNAL)
      • BDS 10m
        Speaker: Dr Glen White (SLAC)
      • MDI 10m
        Speaker: Dr Karsten Buesser (DESY)
      • CFS 10m
        Speaker: Mr Victor Kuchler (Fermilab)
    • 15:50 15:55
      Global timing WG - final report status 5m
      Speaker: Ewan Paterson (SLAC)
    • 15:55 16:40
      Programme for machine sessions at ALCW2015 45m
      This session will be dedicated to detailed planning for the ALWS2015 machine sessions. The goal is to arrive at a block schedule for the themed sessions, WG programmes and any other required focus/satellite meetings, which can then be published to the web site.