8–10 Dec 2015
Japan timezone

Tokusui2015 workshop will be held in December 8-10, 2015 at Kobayashi Hall,Kenkyu Honkan, KEK. This is the 5th annual meeting of the JSPS specially promoted research 'A global research and development program of a state-of-the-art detector system for ILC'.


Main themes of the workshop are detector and physics studies for the ILC, but it also covers the recent progresses on the ILC project as well as the status of the ILC accelerator design. This is the last year of the research program and the focus of the workshop will be placed on achievements in the last 5 years and prospects for the future.

A public lecture will be organized on December 10, Wednesday at Kobayashi Hall.  The lecture will be given in Japanese by Prof. Ryugo Hayano, University of Tokyo. It is intended for th egeneral employees of KEK such as technical and administrative support staff.

早野龍五教授(東京大学大学院理学系研究科教授)による一般講演「測って伝える – BABYSCANから見える福島の今」が研究会の期間中に開催されます。日時は12月10日(木曜)17:40-18:40、 場所は小林ホールです。詳細はKEKセミナー案内(http://ccprol11.kek.jp/ja/Conference/20151210133201/)をご覧ください。

A banquet is held after the public lecture (December 10) at the floor lobby in front of Kobayashi Hall, Kenkyu-Honkan .

Those who participate the workshop should register in advance. Please visit the registration page and fill the form.  The registration fee is 1000 yen, which includes drinks and snacks during the workshop. The fee for the banquet is 4000 yen for staff and 2000 yen for students.  Please pay by cash in Japanese yen at the on-site registration.

Deadline of the online registration is 30 November (Monday).

The Fuze URLs for remote participation are as follows:

8 Dec.(Tue): https://www.fuzemeeting.com/fuze/57f44f8c/31247910

9 Dec.(Wed): https://www.fuzemeeting.com/fuze/57f44f8c/31247922

10 Dec.(Thu): https://www.fuzemeeting.com/fuze/57f44f8c/31247930


The workshop is open to everybody and new participation are highly welcomed.

Organizing Committee(task leaders):

Keisuke Fujii, Kiyotomo Kawagoe, Akiya Miyamoto (LOC chair), Tomoyuki Sanuki, Yasuhiro Sugimoto, Akira Sugiyama, Tohru Takeshita, Hitoshi Yamamoto (Chair), Satoru Yamashita

Contact: akiya.miyamoto@kek.jp

Last update: 25 November, 2015.



