1. Whizard1 issue 1a) e+- recoil after EPA. Is this correct in Whizard2 ? [ ask JRR] At least there is a flag to set recoil on/off, separately for ISR and EPA -> Treatment in v2 is still the same 2. Needs validation for Whizard1 to Whizard2 transition 2a) tau polarization - single tau case Works after minor hack: MB: In src/transforms/hadrons.f90, line 189, MSTJ(28) is set back to 0. I commented that out. Then the tau-decays indeed show polarisation effects. However, they are in the wrong direction. I therefore also changed line 503 in src/tauola/tauola_interface.f90 from "call dexay(1,pol)" to "call dexay(1,-pol)". After these two changes, things do look OK. - Higgs--> tau+ tau- ( not in DBD, but important) 2b) Beam spectrum - beams ( read in file ) OK - Lumilinker files(DBD) --> CIRCES2 2c) Low Pt hadrons - Need a user routine in whizard2 [ ask JRR ] - use whizard1 until then For now, assume it will still be done with whizard 1.95 as the photon spectrum generator (for W-W photons, beam-photons are just from GP (via circe/lumilinker anyhow) -> Tim to check is LesHouches event record can be used to interface between whizard and the low-pt hadron generator (both for v1 and v2) 2d) Jet property & hadron multiplicity with alpha_s=0 - color flow assignment in 4q ? [ JRR ] 2e) ISR, FSR spectrum 2f) Standard sindarin files - Standard parameters, cuts, settings First iteration done. Remaining issues, apart from checking: EPA settings (differnt set of variables to restrict in v1 and v2) Cuts. First attempt done, needs to be refined. Are there more non-trivial default cuts in v1.95 than those implemented? 2g) Output file format - Is color flow in STDHEP file correct ? Yes. More complete in v2. 3. New features 3a) Shower matching with non zero alpha_S 3b) Parton shower : pythia6 vs whizard 3c) 6f, 8f performance 3d) Parallel processing, byte code 3e) ttbar threshold ( top WG would know ) 3f) Higgs in whizard - Pre-defined BRs, effective couplings 3g) Output format : LCIO (OK?) 3h) Pythia8 3i) DECAY ( SUSY etc ) in whizard