20–24 Jun 2005
Royal Holloway
Europe/Zurich timezone


Simulation Standards and Interfacing

22 Jun 2005, 17:00
Royal Holloway

Royal Holloway


The main goal of the meeting is

1) Definition of the draft accelerator description format
2) Agreement on the usage of Grid resources

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
I. Agapov (RHUL)
22/06/2005, 17:00
G. White (QMUL/SLAC)
22/06/2005, 17:15
A. Sopczak (Lancaster)
22/06/2005, 17:25
J. Carter/A. Vogel (RHUL + DESY)
22/06/2005, 17:40
22/06/2005, 17:55
Building timetable...