ECFA Vienna Tracking



Jan Timmermans
  • Tuesday 15 November
    • 14:00 15:35
      Tracking session #1
      • 14:00
        Introduction 5m
        Speaker: Jan Timmermans
      • 14:05
        TPC in 4th concept study 15m
        Speaker: Sorina Popescu
        more information
      • 14:20
        Design and performance silicon tracking in SiD 20m
        Speaker: Bill Cooper
        more information
      • 14:40
        Progress review of the SiLC R&D 20m
        Speaker: Aurore Savoy-Navarro
        more information
      • 15:00
        Silicon Tracking systems performance studies 20m
        Speaker: Mikael Berggren
        more information
      • 15:20
        Spatial resolution studies for GEM-TPCs in Karlsruhe 15m
        Speaker: Bernhard Ledermann
        more information
    • 16:00 17:30
      Tracking session #2
      • 16:00
        Status of the Aachen R&D for the ILC TPC 20m
        Speaker: Martin Killenberg
        more information
      • 16:20
        The Cornell/Purdue TPC 15m
        Speaker: Dan Peterson
        more information
      • 16:35
        Spatial resolution of Micromegas TPCs with standard readout 25m
        Speaker: Paul Colas
        more information
      • 17:00
        Plans for the Large Prototype TPC 20m
        Speaker: Ron Settles
        more information
  • Wednesday 16 November
    • 10:45 12:30
      Tracking session #3
      • 10:45
        Performance studies of GEM or MWPC equipped MPI-TPC in magnetic fields 15m
        Speaker: Katsumasa Ikematsu
        more information
      • 11:00
        Tests of Carleton and MPI TPC's with a resistive foil and a Micromegas readout at the KEK PS beam 15m
        Speaker: Vincent Lepeltier
        more information
      • 11:15
        DESY TPC R&D activities 25m
        Speaker: Matthias E. Janssen
        more information
      • 11:40
        TPC digitization and track reconstruction: efficiency dependence on noise 15m
        Speaker: Dan Peterson
        more information
      • 11:55
        Background studies for the TPC 15m
        Speaker: Adrian Vogel
        more information
      • 12:10
        Resolution studies and methods for a TPC 15m
        Speaker: Ralf Diener
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    • 16:30 18:00
      Tracking session #4
      • 16:30
        Activities/organisation of the CERN Microelectronics group 20m
        Speaker: Sandro Marchioro
        more information
      • 16:50
        Flexible integrated R/O electronics for TPC (CANCELLED) 15m
        Speaker: Luciano Musa
      • 17:05
        Digital TPC developments at NIKHEF 15m
        Speaker: Jan Timmermans
        more information
      • 17:20
        TPC readout with GEM + Medipix 15m
        Speaker: Klaus Desch
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      • 17:35
        Simulation studies for a triple GEM and a Micromegas set-up with Medipix2 detector 15m
        Speaker: Michael Hauschild
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