SUMMARY OF THE TECHNICAL CONVENERS MEETING OF 11 JULY 2016 Present: Karsten, Toshiaki, Roman, Matthew, Taikan, Auguste, Akimasa, Marcel, Paul, Akira, Ivan, Jean-Claude, Imad, Wataru, Felix, Yan, Sergey, Strahinja, Claude. FOLLOW-UP OF PREVIOUS MEETING: - The following software contacts are now nominated:   * Marcel Vos for the VERTEX group and the TRACKER/Si subgroup   * Daniel Jeans for the CALO group   * Bogdan Pawlic for the VFS group   * Nicola d'Ascenzo for the Iron Instrumentation group   The TRACKER/TPC software contact is still in discussion. - The VT and Anti-DID task forces are now complete, apart for   a BG simulator still looked for in the Anti-DID task force.   It is reminded that BG simulations will have to involve the   whole ILD inner detector and not only the VFS system. - A meeting is scheduled in the afternoon between Roman, Henri Videau   and Christian Bourgeois to review and possibly update the   format of the subdetector interface documents. The document will   then be reviewed by the CDI conveners and distributed to the   technical conveners for final validation. Once finalized the   subdetector groups will have to fill them. Time scales are:   * July for interface document format finalisation   * Morioka meeting (December) for interface document filling TASK FORCES: - Christophe Berriaud (Saclay) is confirmed as coil expert member   of the Anti-DID task force. - The issues to be addressed by the task forces will follow the   lines sketched by Claude in Santander. - A first one full day meeting will be organized early Autumn   for each task force, in order to review the status of past   studies regarding the relevant issues, and to define a plan   of work for open issues. It is agreed to hold the 2 meetings   successively on 2 days in Paris in the period between early   October and November 10. The task forces will have to organize   the review talks on the status of issues. ILD experts not (yet)   members of the task forces are welcome to contribute. - Independent but related to the anti-DID task force, contacts   are currently being (re-)established with a possible coil manufacturer   in Japan, to adress the issues associated with the coil design and   assembly, including an anti-DID option. Karsten will visit Japan   end September in this respect. Before this visit he will review   the status with the anti-DID task force experts. ILD MODELS FOR DETAILED PHYSICS BENCHMARK SIMULATIONS: - The general guidelines of ILD models and open questions to   subdetectors, as sketched by Ties, Karsten, Frank and Claude   along the principle presented in Santander and agreed by the E.T.,   are discussed. - Specific subdetector issues raised include:   * possible update of the vertex/pixel disks configuration     to improve overlap between vertex and FTD   * Side effects of a possible change of TPC pad sizes for small ILD   * implications of a possible change of CALO cell sizes for small ILD - The subdetector groups will have to answer the open questions   once the overall ILD model strategy is finally stamped at the   general ILD phone meeting on July 20th. GENERIC SIMULATION OF TECHNOLOGY OPTIONS - A preliminary exchange is held on the possibility to implement   a combined simulation of several technology options for the ECAL   and HCAL. Such an option would considerably simplify the management   of physics benchmark samples and allow direct comparison of   technologies without statistical fluctuations of different samples. - Opinions differ on the feasibility of such an option, since   the development of showers depends not only on absorber plates   but also on the sensor plates. The real question is whether this   option can be implemented with suitable precision for the goals   of the next physics benchmark simulations. - Moderate manpower injected now in evaluating the feasibility   with focused shower studies could save significant manpower   in the future for the benchmark simulations and exploitation. NEXT VIDYO MEETING: - Between 19th and 23rd September, 10:00 CET, doodle to be distributed SUMMARY OF SHORT TERM ACTIONS (until next meeting): - Nominate TRACKER/TPC software contact - Nominate BG simulator for anti-DID task force (to be suggested by CDI and VFS) - Finalise the interface document content and distribute to subdetector   groups for filling - Distribution of final list of subdetector open questions for ILD models   used in detailed physics benchmark simulations. - Fix dates of task force meetings in Paris (doodle to be distributed by Claude)