SUMMARY OF THE TECHNICAL CONVENERS MEETING OF 20 SEPTEMBER 2016 Present: Karsten, Toshiaki, Roman, Taikan, Akimasa, Marcel, Paul, Imad, Wataru, Felix, Strahinja, Claude. POSITIONS: - Ron Settles has joined the anti-DID task force. - The TRACKER/TPC software contact and the anti-DID taskforce   BG simulation expert are still in discussion. INTERFACE DOCUMENTS: - An updated document structure is currently being exercised   by Roman and Henri Videau by filling the information for the   Si-ECAL. It is planned to release the document to all subdetectors   using the opportunity of the taskforce meetings in November. - The exercise already pointed to the need of a specific   general document summarizing the boundary conditions   of the central ILD design. - It is also recommended to all subdetectors to foresee   an internal structure document. INPUTS TO THE 2 ILD SIMULATION MODELS: The questions to subdetectors were reviewed: - CDI: field simulations for the small model are underway   by Uwe Schneekloth in relation with Christophe Berriaud. - VERTEX: it is agreed to keep the same description as DBD   for both models. - TRACKER/SI: it is suggested to keep the same geometry as DBD   for both models (to be checked with Ivan) - TRACKER/TPC: it is agreed to keep the same pad sizes for both models. - CALO: it is agreed to keep the same cell sizes in the ECAL and   the SDHCAL for both models. For the AHCAL, the optimisation of   the small model cell sizes will be investigated once the simulation   of both ILD models is validated. - VFS and IRON: no news could be reported. TASK FORCES MEETINGS ON NOV. 7th (anti-DID) and 8th (VT): - The LAL offer to host the meetings is welcome. The meetings   will start late morning on Monday and end mid-afternoon on Tuesday.   A Vidyo connection will be provided for participation from outside. - In addition to the task force core members, participation of   relevant experts is welcome and potential specific contributors   will be contacted. - The main goals of the meetings will be to review the status   of past studies and launch necessary complementary investigations.   A preliminary list of topics to be presented was discussed along   the issues listed for each task force. Karsten, Roman and CV will   distribute a skeleton agenda to focus the definition of speakers. JAPAN VISITS END SEPTEMBER - Karsten, Thomas Schoerner Sadenius and Uwe Schneekloth will   participate to a 1 day integration workshop in Japan end September. - The workshop will be the opportunity to visit the TOSHIBA coil   manufacturer already contributing to ITER, as well as the Horonobe   underground Research Center in Hokkaido. SUBDETECTOR CALIBRATION QUESTIONS - The AHCAL and SDHCAL have provided first answers to the questions. - It was mentioned that CLICdp is currently performing the same exercise,   with which some coherence would be welcome. - Claude will clarify with Graham Wilson how the subdetector inputs   are foreseen to be used by ILD to provide a summary document. NEXT VIDYO MEETING: - Between 25th and 27th October, 10:00 CET, doodle to be distributed SUMMARY OF SHORT TERM ACTIONS (until next meeting): - Nominate TRACKER/TPC software contact - Nominate BG simulator for anti-DID task force (to be suggested by CDI and VFS) - Finalise the interface documents content - Distribute a skeleton agenda for the Task Force meetings (Karsten, Roman and CV)   and define speakers (all). - Complete subdetector questions for ILD models