4–9 Dec 2016
Aiina Center & MALIOS in Morioka
Asia/Tokyo timezone
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Dear colleagues,



Registration is now open for the the international workshop on future linear colliders (LCWS2016), organized by the Linear Collider Collaboration, to be held in the city of Morioka, Iwate prefecture, Japan, from December 5 to 9, 2016.

With the Japanese government currently evaluating the cases for the International Linear Collider (ILC), the workshop is positioned at a critical time for the future of accelerator-based particle physics.

The workshop will update the physics cases for linear electron-positron colliders taking into account the latest results from LHC, and it will review the progress in the detector and accelerator designs for both ILC and CLIC.

The venue is close to the candidate site for the ILC, and an excursion is planned to visit the site and the surrounding area.

The workshop web page is found at http://lcws2016.sgk.iwate-u.ac.jp

which is to be updated as the program evolves.

Looking forward to see you in Morioka,

Chair: Local Organization Committee Shinya Narita

Co-chairs: International Organizing Committee Mike Harrison, Harry Weerts, Hitoshi Yamamoto

Aiina Center & MALIOS in Morioka

The International Workshop on Future Linear Colliders (LCWS2016) will take place at the Aiina Center & MALIOS in Morioka, IWATE (Japan) .