SUMMARY OF THE TECHNICAL CONVENERS MEETING OF 12 January 2017 Present: Karsten, Toshiaki, Taikan, Matthew, Auguste, Marcel, Ivan, Paul, Wataru, Felix, Yan, Imad, Akimasa, Claude. INTERFACE DOCUMENTS: - An updated document template has been distributed by Roman, for which comments are welcome until mid-February. - For subdetectors with several technology options, it is agreed that the subdetector co-conveners will define together which information is technology independent, and fill the document once for this. Sections which are technology dependent will be duplicated. - There is also consensus that the general ILD reference document on conventions, etc... should now be started by the CDI conveners. - The PDAP report questionned the timeliness of studying now the integration of subdetectors, but it is generally felt that this is already useful to anticipate the implications of each technology and check the correctness of its implementation in the simulation. SIMULATION IN DD4HEP: - The VFS layout for the new L* is basically frozen and a VFS student is foreseen to work on the implementation of the simulation in DD4HEP, as well as later on the background simulations. TASKFORCES FOLLOW-UP: - Anti-DID: Alejandro Perez (IPHC postdoc) visits DESY next week to initiate his contribution to BG simulations together with the DESY experts. The small anti-DID design needs input from the machine and the VFS detectors to make progress. A dedicated phone discussion will be organized between Christophe Berriaud and the CDI and VFS conveners to address the relevant points. - VT: The AHCAL CAD model from DESY has been sent to M. Anduze and a dedicated meeting is organised on January 25 with him to start the comparative simulation of the mechanical behaviour of the full wheels. The DESY experts will catch up with the study once they get results from Marc. A promising evaluation of a mixed RPC/Sci simulation of hadronic showers has been performed in Lyon. It shows that the impact of the mixed setup on the RPC response is at the level of 2% only. It will be discussed with Lyon and DESY how to produce a similar study for the Sci response with minimal investment. TECHNICAL SPACE IN CONFLUENCE - A technical space has started to be framed by Karsten within the DESY ILD confluence system: - The goal is to provide work space for repository of technical working groups documents. At least one co-convener per subdetector will need to have a DESY account to have write access to the corresponding subdetector space. It will be checked how to protect the private work space from public access. NEXT GENERAL TECHNICAL MEETING: - It is necessary to organise an intermediate technical ILD meeting before the general LCWS meeting at SLAC end of June, in order to provide a focusing milestone to ongoing work. - Since experience of the Orsay November meeting has shown that there is a large overlap between the taskforce issues and other technical issues, it is proposed to organise a general (open) meeting gathering at minima all task force members, all technical conveners and subdetector software contacts. - This o(2days) meeting will focus on ILD-specific technical issues to be identified (initial list expected from Karsten and C.V.), but could be appended to a more general software meeting in discussion otherwise. - The meeting should be scheduled preferenly between end March and early May. Overall schedule constraints will be gathered before doodling dates. NEXT VIDYO MEETING: - Between 13th and 16th February, 10:00 CET, doodle to be distributed. SUMMARY OF SHORT TERM ACTIONS (until next meeting) : - Comments on interface document (all) - Start ILD reference document (CDI) - Start VFS BG simulations (IPHC) and VFS inclusion in DD4HEP (VFS) - Organize Saclay-CDI-VFS phone meeting on small anti-DID - Define how to perform AHCAL study of mixed RPC/Sci simulation - Trigger full calo wheel mechanical simulation (LLR meeting 25 January) - Finalise technical confluence space frame (Karsten and C.V.) - Clarify date and context of next general ILD technical meeting.