89th Optimization meeting


1.  News
  US-Japan proposals were submitted to DoE on Friday.
  Deputy Governor of Iwate Prefecture was seen at CERN today with Akira, Amanda et al.

2.  2017 plans:

  Tracker hits validation at higher eta
  Pattern recognition commissioning (conformal tracking)
  Calorimeter performance and PFO commissioning (with UG student)
  Tracker layout/granularity studies (with UG student)
  Physics study for Bogdan's thesis (probably H->tautau vertexing or recoil mass validation)
  Updating simulation model and instructions as needed
     (requires vertex-finding and flavour-tagging commissioning)

  HCal simulation
    details of digitization
    single particle resolutions compared with CALICE testbeams
    resolutions in whole events using PFA

  Priority is alignment issues (limited effort)
    - alignment methods into software and implications for tracker design
    NB need to take into account possible staging scenarios, extra time at 250.

  Testing new EM sensors with shield layers + kPix, after UCDavis has bonded cable
  New Hamamatsu sensors expected June, test SLAC and DESY
  Work on MAPS if US-Japan support
  NB possible new kPix prototype removing positive feedback when occupancy high (ECal)

  Geometry studies: angle, Ecal layers and overlap structure, containment/leakage
  Physics studies:  H->tautau with pi0 gamma FS, comparing testbeam algorithm to pflow
  Testbeam studies: separation and energy resolution
  (Amanda ~full-time until SLAC meeting, then shift to ATLAS)

  Finalise ATF studies
  Finalise Fluka neutron sim studies
  Physics study
    perhaps backgrounds for lower-radius vertex layer

  [to follow, Bruce has a clash and sent apologies]

Japanese groups:
  [Depends on US-Japan funding]

3. AOB
  LCWS proceedings - need to fix internal deadline prior to submission deadline 17/3
  Issues with GIT LCGeo version - need to follow up
  SiD meeting - consider meeting prior to Americas WS at SLAC - revisit in several months


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