89th Optimization meeting


1.  News
  US-Japan proposals were submitted to DoE on Friday.
  Deputy Governor of Iwate Prefecture was seen at CERN today with Akira, Amanda et al.

2.  2017 plans:

  Tracker hits validation at higher eta
  Pattern recognition commissioning (conformal tracking)
  Calorimeter performance and PFO commissioning (with UG student)
  Tracker layout/granularity studies (with UG student)
  Physics study for Bogdan's thesis (probably H->tautau vertexing or recoil mass validation)
  Updating simulation model and instructions as needed
     (requires vertex-finding and flavour-tagging commissioning)

  HCal simulation
    details of digitization
    single particle resolutions compared with CALICE testbeams
    resolutions in whole events using PFA

  Priority is alignment issues (limited effort)
    - alignment methods into software and implications for tracker design
    NB need to take into account possible staging scenarios, extra time at 250.

  Testing new EM sensors with shield layers + kPix, after UCDavis has bonded cable
  New Hamamatsu sensors expected June, test SLAC and DESY
  Work on MAPS if US-Japan support
  NB possible new kPix prototype removing positive feedback when occupancy high (ECal)

  Geometry studies: angle, Ecal layers and overlap structure, containment/leakage
  Physics studies:  H->tautau with pi0 gamma FS, comparing testbeam algorithm to pflow
  Testbeam studies: separation and energy resolution
  (Amanda ~full-time until SLAC meeting, then shift to ATLAS)

  Finalise ATF studies
  Finalise Fluka neutron sim studies
  Physics study
    perhaps backgrounds for lower-radius vertex layer

  [to follow, Bruce has a clash and sent apologies]

Japanese groups:
  [Depends on US-Japan funding]

3. AOB
  LCWS proceedings - need to fix internal deadline prior to submission deadline 17/3
  Issues with GIT LCGeo version - need to follow up
  SiD meeting - consider meeting prior to Americas WS at SLAC - revisit in several months


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      Planning for 2017
      Speakers: Aidan Robson (University of Glasgow (GB)), Amanda Lynn Steinhebel (University of Oregon (US)), Andrew Myers (University of Texas Arlington), Andy White, Anne Schuetz (DESY), Bogdan Mishchenko (University of Glasgow), Bruce Andrew Schumm (University of California,Santa Cruz (US)), Bruce Schumm, Dan Protopopescu (University of Glasgow (GB)), James Brau, Jan Strube (PNNL), Jim Brau, Marcel Stanitzki, Martin Breidenbach (SLAC), Ross McCoy (University of Texas - Arlington)
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