Normal Conducting RF Accelerator Technology, RF sources, High Gradient Structures, Injectors
Chunguang Jing
30/06/2017, 09:25
Emilio Nanni
(SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
30/06/2017, 09:50
Haoran Xu
30/06/2017, 11:00
Mamdouh Nasr
(Stanford University)
30/06/2017, 11:50
Alex Cahill
30/06/2017, 12:15
Yong Jiang
(Yale University)
30/06/2017, 14:45
The experimental progress on constructing two high-gradient warm structure test stands is presented here: (1) Two Frequency Test Stand which provides S-band and C-band phased-synchronized high power microwave; and (2) Beam Driven Accelerator Test Stand which provides X-band high charge long bunch train. Theory and simulations predict that metallic microwave accelerating structures, including...