22–26 Oct 2018
University of Texas
US/Central timezone

A large area strip hodoscope based on the SiD strip tracker

23 Oct 2018, 14:00
Palo Pinto (University Center)

Palo Pinto

University Center


Uwe Kraemer (DESY)


The DESY II Test Beam Facility is one of few facilities around the world capable of providing multi
GeV particle beams. It is, as such, a key component in current particle detector development including
development of detectors for the International Linear Collider (ILC) .
As part of the AIDA2020 project, a new large area silicon hodoscope has been designed for installa-
tion at the DESY II Test Beam Facility. The sensor used in the hodoscope is based on the Silicon
Detector (SiD) strip tracker which was successfully assembled at DESY. The hodoscope is to be used
as the reference tracker for ongoing measurements of the Linear Collider Time Projection Chamber
Collaboration to determine the achievable momentum resolution of their detector as part of ongoing
research for the International Large Detector (ILD). In this talk, the current state of the hodoscope
system as well as results from the first test beam with the SiD tracker sensor will be provided.

Presentation materials