ILD Analysis/Software Meeting
Wednesday 25 March 2020 -
Monday 23 March 2020
Tuesday 24 March 2020
Wednesday 25 March 2020
Physics Coordinators' report
Keisuke Fujii
Physics Coordinators' report
Keisuke Fujii
14:00 - 14:10
Software Coordinators' Report
Frank Gaede
Software Coordinators' Report
Frank Gaede
14:10 - 14:20
Developing a novel kinematic fit for the ILC
Shogo Kajiwara
The University of Tokyo
Developing a novel kinematic fit for the ILC
Shogo Kajiwara
The University of Tokyo
14:20 - 14:40
Hadronic W-decay separation in H->WW* events
Ulrich Einhaus
Hadronic W-decay separation in H->WW* events
Ulrich Einhaus
14:40 - 15:00
I am looking at hadronic W-decays in 500 GeV H -> WW* events, semihadronic channel. I aim to separate W -> d+u from W -> s+c. These decay channels can be regularly c-tagged, but also have different amounts of kaons. I take tracking-based PID info (dE/dx, V0, TOF) to find kaons and pions, and collect various observables linked to these particles. I show that these observables have a certain separation power, which I compare to the performance of LCFIPlus-based c-tagging. I show that by combining both vertex- and tracking-based information, a higher separation performance is achieved, in particular at high purities.