Here are some notes from the meeting, sketchy and by no means complete, just listing some of the issues raised through questions and discussion after each presentation. Daniel Heuchel - PandoraPFA on AHCAL 2018 Data Studies ------------------------------------------------------ More MC events required to understand discrepancies. Hector Garcia Cabrera - Common SiWECal–SDHCal TB data analysis -------------------------------------------------------------- Crystal Ball function parameters to be understood across energy range Is the low energy side of the distributions always the same fraction? Lorenz Emberger - AHCAL Timing ------------------------------ Is the occupancy effect understood? Some accumulation of charge in the chips causing e.g. pedestal bias? Correlation to total charge too? Feedback from chip designers? Are there AHCAL cosmic run data which could be used to study this (trigger might be an issue)? Vladimir Bocharnikov - Particle ID in the AHCAL using Boosted Decision Trees ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- How could timing be actually used to reduce the "confusion"? Fabricio Andres Jimenez Morales - A shower shape analysis on the 2017 SiW-ECAL data ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Is there data at with other impact points to bypass dead channels? Are always the same layers 'bad' or can this vary from run to run, which would be a problem. Olin Pinto - Status on AHCAL Pion Analysis ------------------------------------------ Could the dependence of dead space effect be expressed as fractions? Is help needed for large sample MC production vs large number of smaller jobs? Yu Kato - Study for Retriggers of SiW-ECAL ------------------------------------------ Is there a base time shift? Would there be a way to decouple the capacitance, would this help? Roman Poeschl - General Comments -------------------------------- Several analyses are reaching maturity. Authors should consider preparing papers, getting editorial boards Group leaders should actively support this effort. Thanks for the participation of all! Francois Vidyo participants (24) ----------------------- Daniel Heuchel Eldwan Fabricio Andres Jimenez Francois Corriveau Frank Richard Simon Gerald Grenier Hector Jerry Blazey Katja Krueger Lorenz Emberger Maria Fouz Iglesias Marina Chadeeva Masuda Michael Tytgat Olin Roman Poeschl Sergey Taikan Suehara Tohru Takeshita Tyosioka Vincent Boudry Vladimir Bocharnikov Wataru Otani Yu Kato