Dear colleagues, the date and time of the next CALICE Analysis Meeting have been set to Thursday, July 30th, starting at 14:00 central European time (CEST), i.e 08:00 in Eastern North America (EDT) and 21:00 in Japan (JST). This is during virtual ICHEP, but one day before the Dectector R&D presentations. An Indico agenda page has been created at Teleconference will be done with VidyoConnect via the CALICE_Analysys_Meeting Room at The access code is 2006. If you do no have a CERN account, you should nevertheless be able to connect as guest. The prime goal of this meeting is to give students and young researchers an opportunity to present their current work and progresses, share issues they might have and discuss results in an informal setting. Supervisors should encourage them to do so. All CALICE members are of course also invited to participate and present if they want. Feedback from all will be very appreciated. This message is also a call for contributions. Please send me a title and your account email so that I can make an entry for you in the agenda where you can later upload your talk. First come first served! We however reserve the right to shift the times for Asian colleagues to spare them too late talks. If you don't have a CERN account, still send me a title and later your talk - preferably in PDF format - which I will then upload for you. All presentations should be available on the day before the meeting (29th). The default duration is 20 minutes, including questions, but simply let me know if you need 5 more minutes. After the success of our previous meeting of May 20th (the link is provided in the agenda), we are looking forward to the next with your active participation! Best regards, François for the Speakers Bureau