28–30 Sept 2020
Europe/Paris timezone



28 Sept 2020, 13:50

Presentation materials

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Yazhou Niu (University of Science and Technology of China), Dr Yong Liu (Chinese Academy of Sciences (CN))
28/09/2020, 13:50
Tohru Takeshita, Tohru Takeshita (Department of Physics - Shinshu Univer), Tohru Takeshita (Shinshu University (JP))
28/09/2020, 14:10
Ryunosuke Masuda (University of Tokyo)
28/09/2020, 14:30
Roman Poeschl (Université Paris-Saclay (FR))
28/09/2020, 14:50
Jihane Maalmi (CNRS/LAL)
28/09/2020, 15:10
Vincent Boudry (LLR)
28/09/2020, 15:30
Taikan Suehara (Kyushu University)
29/09/2020, 12:30
Yong Liu (Chinese Academy of Sciences (CN))
29/09/2020, 12:45
Imad Laktineh (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR)), Laktineh Laktineh (Universite Claude Bernard-Lyon I (FR)), imad laktineh (ipnl), imad laktineh
29/09/2020, 13:05
Felix Sefkow (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))
29/09/2020, 13:45
Mr Malinda de Silva (Max-Planck-Institute für Physik)
29/09/2020, 14:00
Antoine Laudrain (JGU), Antoine Laudrain (Johannes Gutenberg Universitaet Mainz (DE))
29/09/2020, 14:15
Boxiang Yu (Institute of high energy physics, CAS)
29/09/2020, 14:35
Building timetable...