The 189th SiD Optimization Meeting

Dan Protopopescu

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Attending: Amanda, Andy, Chester, Chris, Dan, Jason, Jim, Joel, Lucas, Makayla 


  • Lucas presented an update on his CP violation studies; added new NN inputs (32/14); two hidden NN layers; to do: further reduce leptonic W decay background (see attached PDF)
  • Makayla: working on Higgs to invisible, has some preliminary plots
  • Chester: working on H -> s sbar, reconstruction of Z -> muon pairs as primary source of background; TOF of various decay chain particles, etc.; will try to present slides at the next meeting
  • Joel - says currently the UK funding perspectives look good
  • Jim - this last week DoE had organized a meeting to inform PIs of funding strategies, showed a slide stating US support for Japan wrt commiting to the ILC (see; April 2022 would be envisaged as the start date for the Pre-lab
  • Andy - students at Austin working on signal to background studies for H -> inv, using samples provided by Chris; will try to present at the next meeting

Next meeting: September 9th

There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.