1. Hitoshi Murayama: Introduction of the ILC International Development Team; what are the plans for the next 1.5 years ?
2. Junping Tian: Update on the Snowmass Energy Frontier. What should we prepare for the major Snowmass Community Meeting in the week of Oct. 5 ?
3. Michael Peskin: (very brief) announcement of Americas Workshop on Linear Colliders, Oct. 19-22 at virtual SLAC
4. Preparations for our first official Snowmass tutorial set for Friday, August 28 8am Pacific / 11 am US East Coast
Chris Potter: Status of the data repository at SLAC ; what is available now ?
Reference: ilcsnowmass.org
Jenny List: Status of the ILCSnowmass simulation tools ; what is available, and with what documentation ?
Jenny, Chris, Shin-ichi: Program for the first ILCSnowmass tutorial
5. Discussion of the proposal for a general e+e- Delphes card
6. Any other business